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Ancillary Profit Centers that Owners Can Run in Tandem with Their Laundry Business

As a multi store owner, I like to keep my operation simple. I will focus on my main income source and the reason customers visit my store, washers and dryers. I prefer not to offer too many ancillary services because I do not like a lot of moving parts in my business. Typically, my ancillary services will be self-service just like my washers and dryers. I offer soda machines, snack machines, soap machines, ice cream machines, and video games at my locations. Also, I do not service these machines myself, I hire outside vendors to service this equipment. I will get a split of the profit. However, I will stock the soap machine myself. This machine is very easy to own because it does not heat, does not cool, and has no electronics...making it difficult to break.

Ice Cream Machines

Out of these profit centers, my favorite is the ice cream machine. Customers love to buy ice cream from me, and I make as much money as the soda and snack machines combined. It also costs less to run an ice cream machine than a soda machine. The ice cream machine I receive 25% of sales. Soda, snack and video games I receive a 50/50 split. 

Ice Cream Machines

Arcade Games/ WIFI

The least profitable machines are the arcade games. Every month, my profits from these machines drop off because more and more customers have video games on their hand held devices and cell phones and that is free. I offer free WIFI at my stores because I am already paying for internet so I can watch my cameras from my cell phone. Customers love the free WIFI, and I have customers that visit my store because of this.

Arcade Games

ATMs & Coin Pusher Games

My stores are typically unattended so I do not like to have ancillary services that attract potential crime. Profitable items I have seen in the industry are coin pusher games, ATM's, and games that payout expensive prizes, such as an IPOD. When speaking to other owners in the industry, ATM machines seem to be the most profitable service.


I've seen new owners make mistakes when acquiring a coin laundry. The ancillary services you add to your business will make your business better, but it will be small profits in comparison. You cannot count on ancillary services to make your business profitable. You need a solid core business to start with. Many store owners try to be creative with the ancillary services. I've heard of a dog wash in a Laundromat and I've heard of cafeterias in stores. Food brings a whole new variable to the coin laundry inspections. We are very lucky to be in a business where we do not need special permits to operate, which affect people's lives. The Environmental Protection Agency and the health department stay far from our business, and I would like to keep it that way.

My philosophy has always been to keep it simple. If I focus too much on ancillary services, then I'm not focusing enough on my core business...washers and dryers.