I've had as low as 4 turns a day, and as high as 9 turns per day at my Laundromats. For me, 6 turns per day was my sweet spot. Busy, but not out of control. When I see a group of washers starting to grow past 6 turns per day, I keep my eyes open for a possible price increase on that group in the next few months. Simply put, I would modulate the customer flow with price increases.
Of course we all want maximum profits, but you also want a personal life where you are not running to your mat all the time because a fight broke out between customers over competition for machines, or too many OOO signs, or having to do dreaded Tub Bearing jobs. The more your washers spin, the sooner you will need to do many repairs, including tub bearing jobs.
And it's not just the equipment....the floors, walls, bathrooms, folding tables, chairs, etc, are all exposed to the near constant abuse. A very busy mat is harder to keep clean as well. Let me also add that a very busy mat will make it harder to retain good employees because they too will be right in the middle of the stress of an overcrowded mat. This is an important consideration in this economy where it's getting harder and harder to find and keep good quality employees.
Here's something to ponder.....What's wrong with only 4 turns per day as long as your washers are priced high enough to give you a great profit with less headaches?